Fabric Design:
Jenny is able to design custom artwork to screen print onto fabric to suit your project. Jenny will work with you to ensure the colours and designs are exactly what you want with this entirely bespoke service.
Working with an experienced upholsterer, Jenny is able to offer an Upholstery service alongside her fabrics. If you're interested in having a piece updated - modern or antique please email images to for a quote for the work.
Please see some examples below of Jenny's linen being used for upholstery:
Bespoke Fabric Design
Hand screen printed and upholstered onto drop-in seats.
A Victorian Nursing chair
A Victorian Nursing Chair Upholstered in Jenny's Bass & Hook Linen.
An original 1950's Cocktail Chair Upholstered in Lemons Linen.
Another Cocktail Chair in Lemons Linen again